チェコの都市、チェスケー・ブジェヨビツェ(独語: ブドヴァイス)での醸造の歴史は、1265年、ボヘミアの王、オットカル2世が醸造の権利を認めたときに遡ります。



バドワイザーブドヴァルは、チェコ共和国で4番目に大きいビール生産者であり、海外で2番目に大きいビールの輸出者です。 1番大きな会社は、現在アサヒビールが所有しているピルスナーウルケルでしょう。ウルケル、スーパドライはやめて、ね。


#45 Will the real Budweiser please stand up?  Part 2

The history of brewing in České Budějovice (Budweis) dates back to 1265, when Ottokar II, King of Bohemia, granted the city brewing rights. At one point, the city was the imperial brewery of the Holy Roman Empire. Eventually it was called Budweiser Bier ("beer from Budweis”). It is brewed using artesian water, Moravian barley and Saaz hops. 

The company began shipping its beer to the United States in 1875. A year after, Adolphus Busch, a German immigrant to the United States and a businessman, encountered the brewery's Budweiser often during his visit to Europe. More about him later.  Budweiser Budvar is the fourth largest beer producer in the Czech Republic and the second largest exporter of beer abroad, I’m guessing #1 is Pilsner Urquell now owned by Asahi. Please don’t make Urquell Dry!

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