Our Story




 「帰郷」ののち、生計を立てるすべとして、、寿司屋、焼き鳥屋などはガイジンだから無理、、思いついたのは世界のビールを提供するバー!すすきのの南で麦酒停というビールバーをオープンする。アメリカの「ALL ABOUT BEER」というビール雑誌に記事を投稿し始めたのものその頃。当時その雑誌でコラムを書いていた、マイケル・ジャクソン(そうあのビールハンターの名を持つ著名なイギリス人ビールマニア! https://bit.ly/35T4lfY)とも関り、兼ね兼ね入れ込んでいたクラフトビールへの造形を深める。当時、自分のバーでは「15種類のなんともない」アメリカのメジャーブランドビールを扱うが、全くの面白さを感じられなく、すでに精通していた楽しく美味しいアメリカのクラフトビールを自ら輸入することを思い立つ。




It was 1992, when Ezo Beer started. But the story goes back to 1971 when  Ezo beer founder, Phred Kaufman departed on an odyssey whose mission was to avoid killing Vietnamese people.The plan was to go to Europe via  Asia. He landed in Japan after turning 18. He started working in a card board manufacturing factory in Tokyo, earning about $10 a day. As he was not used to deadly Japanese humidify, someone told him there was a place in Japan called Hokkaido that had cooler weather and much less humidify. It did not take long for him to quit the job and  hitch hike to the Sapporo. After three years of traveling in Asia he returned to the U.S. to enter college. His forth year in 1976 was spent at Waseda. In 1988 he moved to Sapporo.

After the “homecoming,” he decided to open a beer bar called MugishuTei (Beer Inn)  in 1980 that served beers from all over the world. After that Phred started writing for an American beer magazine called “All About Beer”. And became friends with Michael Jackson who was also writing for the magazine then (yes of course, Michael Jackson, the British beer maniac a.k.a. “beer hunter”) got him more into craft beer. Back  in 1980 his bar only had a meager 15 labels of mass produced beers. He decided to import craft beers by himself. He started with Ezo Beer made for him by Rogue Ale in Oregon.

As the pioneer of importing U.S. craft beer to Japan, for almost 30 years we have been importing beers from various countries including the U.S., Belgium, Germany, France, Scotland, Holland, Norway and Estonia. We have also been importing Tequila, and Mezcal from Mexico, and great craft spirits from all over the world.